Tuesday, October 9, 2012

What Does Forgiveness Have to Do With Weight Loss?

Forgiveness is such a big issue for most people. Being unwilling to forgive forces us to carry so much weight in our hearts,minds, and bodies. Most people think of forgiveness as excusing the harm that was done or excusing the person who caused the harm.

The best way to look at forgiveness is to see it as letting go of the hope of a better yesterday. People get stuck in hoping that yesterday could have been different, should have been different. Unfortunately, yesterday is done. It is over. By holding so much energy in the past, you don’t have energy in the present and you won’t have any energy for the future.

Forgiveness isn’t about “them”. It is all about you. It is about reclaiming your power. It is about deciding that you are no longer going to drag the energy of the past with you to the future. It means that you are no longer going to drag that particular incident, person or pain with you as you go forward. You can feel how heavy resentment is. This heaviness is stored on the body.

In order to release weight, you need to forgive. You forgive solely for the purpose of releasing yourself. The best reason to forgive is to be free. Being free means that you no longer give your power away to whomever or whatever from the past. It means that you collect up your power from these situations and allow yourself to be in the now instead of being powerless stuck in the past.

The best place to start with forgiveness is by forgiving yourself for all of your past imperfections.

You need to forgive yourself for having beliefs that don’t support you.

You need to forgive yourself for the times when you hurt others.

You need to forgive yourself for believing that you deserved to be treated the way you were.

You need to forgive yourself for believing that you are a terrible person because of what happened to you.

You need to forgive yourself for believing that what other people think of you matters.

You need to forgive yourself for believing that you are unworthy or that you are not enough, or that your needs don’t matter.

You need to forgive yourself for believing that the only way you could comfort yourself was with food.

You need to forgive yourself for believing that the only way to lose weight was by starving yourself.

Even if you haven’t forgiven yourself for these things, feel how much lighter your heart feels just by thinking about these things. Even thinking about the possibility of forgiving yourself for whatever you need to forgive yourself for lessens the numbness, lessens the pain.

Imagine how much lighter you would feel when you authentically let go of the hope of a better yesterday, when you are able to be at the place that accepts it is what it is.

It is important to note that forgiveness doesn’t mean that you now have dinner with your perpetrator or that you get rid of your boundaries. It simply means that you have reclaimed your power from whatever went on and you move forward feeling a whole lot freer and a lot more powerful

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