Tuesday, October 9, 2012

To Lose Weight Quickly, Just Fall In Love

Falling in love is not only a magnificent feeling but also a boon from the heavens above to those craving to lose weight. Goldwin Fonseca explains

Love leads to loss, I can’t assure you aboutemotional or hair loss but I can vouch thatweight loss is a by product of the infection called love.

Ah! Love, the indescribable feeling poets and authors are tryin

g to capture since ages to explain its mystery and power over the heart. It's a feeling even the most renowned psychologists find hard to explain.

Falling in love is not only a magnificent feeling but also a boon from the heavens above to those craving to lose weight. Why do I assume this? After all it is one's own personal experience that sheds light on this subject.

When one falls in love the world is a wonderful place with no flaws. The days are bright and beautiful.

Suddenly, your perspective about yourself changes. You become more conscious about your image. Finally your ‘good health’ is appropriately or inappropriately identified by you, as fat. This is when the expedition to weight loss begins. Exercises, crash diets are implemented and are successfully given up in a week's time but it does contribute to the task laid out for you. Basically, being fit enough ‘to lead her to that overwhelming question’, as Eliot once said.

Once rejected, your appetite vanishes just like planes flying over the Bermuda triangle (emotional eaters are an exception to this). You spend all your time remembering what you thought was love and what she thought was just being friendly. The rejection makes you forget about food and think only about her/him (in a good or bad way I cannot guarantee).

After two months your appetite is back to normal. Stepping on the weighing scale, you will discover you are around ten kilos lighter without having to resort to any kind of rigorous physical exercise. So I suggest falling in love to the obese community (strictly single people only) because it is like falling from fat to thin. If the love bug doesn't work there is always exercise and proper dieting and for the lazy liposuction (evil laugh)!

PS-The LWL (love weight loss) method may cause loss of self esteem, confidence and emotional breakdown. My advice, fall in love and lose some weight.

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