Wednesday, October 10, 2012

4 Steps To Reduce Stress While You Lose Weight

To many people permanent weight loss seems like an unattainable goal. They might get very close to achieving their desired weight only to cave in a moment of weakness and lose all their hard work. Often they will have actually gained weight after the whole ordeal. If you are one of these people, read for some insights as to why this happens over and over.
Stress hormones have been with us from the very beginning. They are produces when we are faced with a threat – perceived or real – which can not be immediately dealt with. As a result, we can experience exhaustion, irritability, increased muscular tension, increased heart rate and a variety of other physiological reactions.
When faced with long term stress, we start craving rich and unhealthy foods. This is actually a coping mechanism of our bodies trying to deal with stress. What’s worse, is that if you are overweight, chances are you’ve gotten into a habit of comfort eating – You eat to feel better.
This means that if you feel insecure about your weight you can get trapped in a negative spiral. You’ll feel bad and stressed for weighing more than your environment tells you to weight, and as a result you comfort yourself by eating more, worsening the situation.
If you feel you are trapped in such a spiral, there are a few things you can do to turn things around:
1 – Be aware of your bad habits
In order to deal with them, you have to know them. Be honest to yourself and write them down. One helpful trick is to keep an elastic band around your arm. Flick it against your arm whenever you catch yourself falling back to a bad habit. Your brain will associate the tiny pain impulse with the bad habit.
2 – Find other ways of comforting yourself
Take up a new hobby or sport that fits in your comfort zone but leads you away from the bad habits you are used to. You might take a dog so you’ll be forced to take walks in the park with him.
3 – Eliminating Other Stress Factors
If there are other stress factors – Trouble at work, for example – you should strive to eliminate them by dealing with them. Do not get into a habit of looking away, running and hiding, but face the situation head on and give it your best.
4 – Stop expecting miracles
Do not make the mistake of hoping to lose all that weight quickly. Losing your excess weight permanently will require you to change your bad habits into good habits, which takes time.
Do not make big changes overnight – You will not be able to cope and fall back into your old habits again.
Make small changes instead: Start taking the stairs instead of the escalator. One lump instead of two lumps. Again: Gradual change is your key to succes!

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